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Zetsubou No Shima Menu Selection BO3
前一關卡 鋼鐵之龍
後一關卡 血獄之城
出現於 使命召喚:黑色行動3
操控角色 「坦克」·登浦西尼古萊·別林斯基
隊伍 起源四人組
地點 密克羅尼西亞聯邦,波納佩島,
日期 鋼鐵之龍之後的某個時間
目標 在無盡殭屍的襲擊下存活
敵人 殭屍藤條怪蜘蛛(黑色行動3)
代碼名 zm_island
Eclipse also sets the stage for Zetsubou No Shima, the highly-anticipated, all-new entry in the Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies storyline that spans the four DLC Map Packs for Black Ops III this year. The Origins characters continue on their mission to stop the zombie apocalypse not only in this universe but in all universes. Our heroes find themselves stranded on a remote Pacific island which is home to the Division 9 facility: a secret biological research lab whose experiments with Element 115 and its effects on human, animal, and plant biology has created horrors beyond belief. Zetsubou No Shima features a foliage rich island map including new terrifying zombie enemies, a variety of innovative transport mechanics, more devastating traps and classic Zombies side quests.
——Official Description
On a remote island in the Pacific, a mysterious facility hides the secrets behind Division 9's sinister experiments...
——Mission Briefing

絕望之島Zetsubou No Shima;日語:絶望の島;英語:Island of Despair)是一張使命召喚:黑色行動3殭屍地圖,其包含於「日食」地圖包內,於2016年4月19日登陸PlayStation 4平台。這張地圖位於太平洋上一個廢棄的島嶼,島上存在着第九師團的研究所廢墟。在絕望之島上,異變的植物和動物成為了敵人。起源四人組來到這個島上,準備消滅原時間線的武雄,就像在先前地圖里消滅原時間線的瑞奇托芬和登浦西一樣。


Zetsubou No Shima features many elements that are new to the zombies gamemode. The swimming mechanic from multiplayer is brought to zombies for the first time and is featured multiple times in the map, requiring the player to also take into account the amount of time they have spent under water. Japanese zombies return for the first time since Shi No Numa. There are also a variety of new enemies as well, such as the Thrasher, a mutated zombie that spawns in with regular zombies but is much more powerful. Spiders serve as the new Hellhound round and later spawn in on regular rounds as well, and the Giant Spider serves as a mini boss.

The map features a variety of new utilities as well. The Zipline returns from Shi No Numa and Call of the Dead as well as the Sewer Pipe, which can take the player from the bunker to Lab A or B and back. Two new traps, called the Propeller Trap and the Fan Trap also make their debut appearance. A new weapon known as the KT-4 also appears on the map and it requires the player to find the available ingredients to make its ammunition. A new specialist weapon, called the Skull of Nan Sapwe also appears on the map and is made by the player completing rituals located around the map. The shield also reappears as well as a new buildable called the gas mask, which protects players from the bubbles of gas that appear all over the map. The Origins characters return from Der Eisendrache as well as the original Takeo, who is being help captive on the island and the origins characters have to kill to proceed with their plan to save the universe.

